creative state
creative state
creative state

Creative States

Premium, flexible workspaces with a full range of operational services and unique community


Dear Resident,
We have created the Creative States House Rules (after this, the CS House Rules) with your your safety and convenient residency in mind. It is mandatory for all residents of the Creative States (hereinafter referred to as CS) to follow these rules.

In general, we expect that you to refrain from engaging in any activity that may reasonably disrupt, damage, or endanger the CS, our employees, other Residents, any guests or any other third parties or any pets.

The CS House Rules govern the expected behaviour at the CS Space (office building, including Common Areas, Private Rooms, Meeting Rooms, Skype Rooms), which you must comply with while using the Services.

By choosing to stay in the CS or by commencing the use of immovable and movable facilities as well as technical facilities and services located within the CS, Residents or Visitors confirm that they have read the CS House Rules, fully accept them, and commit to complying with them throughout their stay.

In the event of non-compliance with the CS House Rules, the CS has the right, at its discretion, to restrict or terminate the rights of certain Residents or Visitors to stay in the CS or to use the facilities and Services within the CS Space.

The CS House Rules are available on the website and may be revised periodically. You will always receive prior notification when any revisions occur via the Creative States App.

Community Managers

Our Community Managers are assigned to each Resident and serve as a single point of contact, coordinating any requests and/or issues you might have.

If you have a specific request, such as billing or purchasing additional services, please contact your community manager and you will be immediately directed to the appropriate specialist.

+38 044 334 4080

+38 044 334 4080

+38 044 334 4080

+38 044 334 4080

+38 044 334 4080

+38 056 755 0875


Each Resident is given an individual access card. To receive an access card, you or your company need to have a valid Residency Agreement with the CS.

Residents with the Private Office price plan get a personalized access card with their name and photo, which can only be used by them.

Residents with the Hot Desk price plan are provided with a regular access card without the name and photo, meant for their use only.

Residents can also use the mobile app as a pass.

Visitors are provided with special guest cards that are linked to the inviting Company and/or the Resident, following the Guests & Visitors rules specified below.

In case you have lost your access card, please inform your Community Manager and/or our Service Desk by phone or e-mail within 2 hours to block it and issue the new one. Please be aware that the replacement of the access card will be charged - 10 USD for regular card and 20 USD for personalized card.

We hope it will never happen, but if you ever decide to terminate your Agreement with the CS, please make sure to return your access card to your Community Manager by 18:00 on the last day of the Agreement.

We do have 24/7 CCTV surveillance in common areas of the CS space. All Residents and their guests give their consent to photo and video recording, audio recording of them personally, as well as minors/minor members of their family, as well as their animals during the entire period of their stay in the CS with the possibility of publication and further distribution (including with the participation of the mass media).

Guest & Visitors

We are always happy to host guests. To make their visit safe and other Residents comfortable, we ask you to follow a few rules:

Guests are welcome during the following hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 – 20:00
Saturday and holidays : 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: Closed.

Guests must use a guest card to enter the CS space. Guest cards can be obtained at the reception after registering in the visitor management system.

During registration, guests need to provide their legal name, company, specify the resident they are visiting, and sign the registration form. Once the guest is registered, the corresponding resident will receive an email notification.

Residents should not use their own access card for passing guests to the CS. It is a serious violation of our security policies and may result in temporary card blocking or termination of your residence at the CS.

Residents can also send an invitation to their guests, which speeds up the registration process.

Please refer to the visitor management instructions for more details.

Please don't forget that your guest has to return a guest access card to the Reception Desk and log out. For a lost card we charge 10$ from the Residents.

We appreciate your cooperation in following these guidelines to ensure a pleasant experience for everyone at the CS.

For Private Office Residents - you have a 2-hour daily limit for a guest visit per person. Each extra visiting hour costs 5 USD and will be automatically billed to the Resident's account.

For Hot Desk, Fixed Desk Residents– visiting hour costs 5 USD and is automatically billed to the Resident's account.

While at the CS, the Resident is fully responsible for behavior and any losses or damages caused by their guests and should be prepared to cover it.

Please be aware that the meetings involving with more than two people require the use of a conference room.


We encourage mutual respect, sympathy, trust and care. Creative States is a community of creative, modern and polite people.

We believe that the right atmosphere is the most important reason for the successful growth of every company.

Greet everyone, even if you have worked at opposite sides of Creative States and didn't have a chance to meet before. Share your experiences, contacts, and ideas — that is a part of Creative States culture.

It is prohibited to show disrespect to the views of other people, race, sex, political, religious, cultural beliefs; use violence and create hindrances to the exercise of their rights and legitimate interests by other persons.

It is strictly prohibited to entice the employees of other Residents of Creative States. A Resident who has suffered damage from enticing an employee has the right to report this fact. Creative States, in turn, blocks the access to the territory of Creative States to the employee who was enticed. The prohibition of access shall remain in force until settlement of the dispute between the Residents. The ban is lifted only after obtaining consent from the party affected for admission of the employee in whose respect the dispute arose.

Hot Desk & Fixed Desk

Hot Desk and Fixed Desk schedule:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday: Closed

For Residents with the Hot Desk price plan, there is no fixed desk, and they can freely choose any available desk in the Hot Desk area at any time. Resident access cards operate according to the schedule mentioned above.

Please be aware that the Lounge zone, which is combined with the Hot Desk area, is often used for hosting various events. These events typically take place from 6 PM till 10 PM on weekdays and 9 AM till 10 PM at weekends. If you still want to work during this events, our Community Managers will help you find an alternative Desk in our office space.

Residents with Fixed Desk price plan have their own fixed desk in a shared office. They can personalize their desk and decorate the office. All modifications and/or installations must be carried out under the direction of the CS.

The limit for black and white printing on CS printers is 100 pages per month.

The cost of black and white printing/copying machines beyond the limit is 0.1 (one-tenth) US dollars per page.

The cost of using color printing/copying machines is 0.25 (twenty-five hundredths) US dollars per page.

Please be aware that the air conditioning system is managed by the CS staff only. If the temperature is not comfortable for you, please inform Community Manager— we will adjust it is to the range of 22C–24C.

To maintain a respectful work environment, we kindly ask you to listen to music using headphones and respect other Residents belongings and personal space. You can also host guests following the guidelines outlined in our Guests & Visitors section mentioned above.

Private Office

The CS is ready to adjust the Space according to your requirements, including corporate branding, decorations, furniture, office layout, etc. The cost of making the specified changes is agreed by the Resident with the CS additionally.

Please note that the Resident has no right to carry out any finishing work in the private offices without the prior approval of the CS.

Please be aware that each Private Office is equipped with an individual air conditioning control block so that Residents can manage the temperature on their own. If there are any issues with the ventilation system, please notify our Community Manager right away — we will fix itand make sure you feel comfortable.

Please note that the Resident has to provide access to its Private Office for the CS staff or coordinated contractors to maintain the supply lines of the CS or business centre located within the office.

You can host guests according to our Guests & Visitors rules specified above.

Residents agree that they are fully responsible for any harm or damage caused to CS property. Also, in case of such harm or damages and situations in which additional cleaning is required, CS has the right to invoice for additional services. Additionally, CS reserves the right to unilaterally deny and not to extend the continuation of residency.

Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms are available for all the Residents and are included in the price plan. You can book the meeting rooms using the reservation system in the Creative States Mobile App.

If a meeting was cancelled or rescheduled, you need to cancel the reservation or change the date and time in 2 hours before the booked time. If you don't cancel, our system will charge you automatically.

The minimum time you can reserve a conference room is 30 minutes.

Preparation time between bookings is 5 minutes.

You can start a new reservation only after the end of the current one, you cannot make two reservations at the same time.

Conditions of using conference rooms depend on your price plan.

Hot desk, Fix Desk - no free hours.

Also, we have individual Skype room for calls. They are comfortable for seating and can accommodate up to 2 people. However, if you have a 2hr+ meeting with your team members or visitors, we strongly recommend using the Meeting Room instead of the Skype room. Skype rooms are designed for calls only.

Please be aware that consuming food and alcoholic beverages is prohibited in CS Meeting Rooms.

Skype Rooms

We have special Skype Rooms for calls so that you can use them for this purpose. Those are comfortable for sitting and can accept up to 2 people.

If you have a 2hr+ meeting with your team members or visitors, we would strongly recommend using the Meeting Room instead of the Skype Room. Skype Rooms are comfortable small rooms, and they are designed for cell and Skype calls only.

You can book the Skype Rooms using the reservation system in the Creative States Mobile App.

Please watch overtime of room use and increase the time for using the Skype Rooms if necessary.

Preparation time between bookings is 5 minutes.

You can start a new reservation only after the end of the current one, you cannot make two reservations at the same time.

If you fail to make a booking in our application, the room will be considered free, which means anyone can potentially disturb you at a critical moment.

Coffee Point & Kitchen

Coffee Point in the Lounge area is accessible to all Residents. Having a morning coffee or a cup of tea with cookies after lunch is a perfect opportunity to communicate with other Residents.

Our Residents should use a separate kitchen for any homemade food and/or food which requires microwaving, so that the smell does not travel across the entire facility. Arrangement of eating places in other premises is possible only after agreement with the CS.

The CS is conveniently located near the shopping centre, a food court and a supermarket, which provides immediate access to a variety of food options and eliminates long-term food supply storage at office premises/in fridges.

Please don't keep your food in fridges for too long. We clean those every Saturday and dispose of all the leftovers.

Please be aware that it is prohibited to store products without appropriate packaging. Also, for the avoidance of disputable situations concerning possible theft or unintentional use of other people's food, it is recommended to mark the package identifying the owner of the food. Unlabelled food left in the kitchen areas is considered to be shared.

Please be aware that it is prohibited to leave an eating place uncleaned. Garbage eating food shall be disposed of in specially designated places.

Please do not wash cups and/or dishes, drop those into the sink or next to it — we have cleaning services which will do it in a quality manner.

Some easy tips for you:

  • If you empty it, fill it
  • If you dirty it, clean it
  • If open it, close it
  • If you spill it, wipe it

Premises & Facilities

Please use the common areas as well as furniture, technical facilities, equipment and services located in such areas only for their direct purpose and according to the instructions.

Printers, scanners, fridges, coffee-machines, showers, access control, air conditioning systems, video-surveillance, Wi-Fi and other equipment are available for you at our premises.

Please do not move furniture and/or equipment outside of the common areas to the private office. Let us know if you need anything else to assist you while working. Although we try to consider everything, we do our best to accommodate you even if it's beyond the standard requirements.

Not sure how to operate particular equipment? Please ask! We will always help you figure out how to use any of the machines.

We care about you, so please make sure to use the equipment carefully — this way it will work correctly and without any delays.

The Resident shall not use the Creative State's premises for immoral or illegal purposes, for residence or overnight stay.

When using premises, the Resident has to observe the rules of fire safety, sanitary norms and rules, sanitary standards of permissible noise and other requirements of the current legislation and regional regulations. Compliance is objectively necessary for the normal functioning of Creative States.

Please do not turn off the music in the lounge area and do not connect your own devices to Creative States audio equipment. Feel free to reach out to our Community Managers if you want Creative States to adjust the playlists.

Entrance to the front desk area is restricted to the Creative States team only. Please do not trespass the area.

Please do not transport materials and equipment in the elevators including construction materials. This can lead to breakage, damage or dirtiness of such elevators. If you need import or export of equipment and physical assets from/to Creative States, ask your Community Manager to organize these via construction elevator.

Please do not carry beverages or liquids in open containers in the elevators.

Paid services and facilities, as well as access to paid technical facilities in the common areas of Creative States, are provided according to the Creative States tariffs and reservation procedure using the necessary software tools.

The CS Space

Please use the common areas, furniture, technical facilities and equipment according to their intended purpose and instructions.

We provide printers, scanners, fridges, coffee machines, showers, access control, air conditioning systems, video surveillance, Wi-Fi, and other equipment for your convenience within the CS space.

Please do not move furniture or equipment from common areas to private offices. If you need additional assistance or have specific needs beyond standard requirements, please inform us, and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Not sure how to operate particular equipment? Please ask! We are always here to assist you. We care about you, so please make sure to use the equipment carefully — this way it will work correctly and without any delays.

The Resident shall not use the CS premises for immoral, illegal purposes or overnight stay. When using premises, the Resident has to observe the rules of fire safety, sanitary norms and rules, sanitary standards of permissible noise and other requirements of the current legislation and regional regulations. Compliance is objectively necessary for the normal functioning of the CS.

Please do not turn off the music in the lounge area and do not connect your own devices to the CS audio equipment. Feel free to reach out to our Community Managers if you want to leave a comment or recommendation about the playlists.

Entrance to the front desk area is open to the CS team only. Please do not trespass the area.

Please do not transport materials and equipment in the elevators including construction materials. This can lead to breakage, damage or make dirty such elevators. If you need import or export of equipment and physical assets from/to the CS, ask your Community Manager to organize these.

Please do not carry beverages or liquids in open containers in the elevators.

Access to the Services and facilities, as well as technical equipment in the common areas of the CS Space, are provided according to the CS price plan and reservation procedure using the necessary software tools.

Community Guidelines

We encourage mutual respect, kindness, trust and care. The CS is a community of creative, modern and polite individuals.

We believe that creating the right environment is the most important for the success and growth of every company. Greet everyone, even if you are working at opposite sides of the CS and didn't have a chance to meet before. Share your experiences, contacts, and ideas — this is a part of CS culture.

It is prohibited to disrespect others based on their views, race, sex, political, religious, cultural beliefs. Violence and interfering with others' rights and interests are also prohibited.

It is strictly prohibited to recruit employees of other Residents of the CS. A Resident who has suffered damage from enticing an employee has the right to report the incident. The CS will block the access to the CS Space for the enticed employee.

The ban remains in effect until the dispute between the Residents is resolved. The ban can only be lifted with the consent of the affected Resident regarding the admission of the employee involved in the dispute.

Everything Else

Please note that the business centre launches Fire Alarm several times a month to check all systems.

Drinking own alcoholic beverages in the common areas of the CS is possible only with the permission of the CS.

Use of narcotic, toxic and psychotropic substances (and also those treated as such substances) is strictly prohibited in the CS Space.

We don't mind entertainment, and we support a good mood, but if you are intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, we would ask you to leave the CS Space.

Every Friday starting at 6 PM we hold the event - Happy Hours down the Lounge area. Our bartenders would be delighted to treat you with wine and cocktails while a Community Manager will use an opportunity to introduce you to other Residents residing across the same or other location.

We are Kids Friendly. The following facilities are available at the location: baby changing station, WC for kids, and toys. Please note that we don't provide children's room or babysitters at this time.

We are Pet-Friendly. Your pet has to be calm, shouldn't disturb other Residents, or damage the furniture and walls. Make sure to clean after pets by yourself. Always be near your pet, and in case of their loss immediately report this fact to the CS.

The Resident is liable for any loss or damage caused by his/her pet to the CS, other Residents or Visitors. Also, in case of such losses or damage, the CS may prohibit the access of such pet.

Our Residents may conduct photo/video filming in the CS and on the entire territory of the business centre only after the prior written permission of the CS.

We have a shower, towel, soap, and shampoo free of charge.

Never miss a chance to connect and get access to our information and entertainment. See what's new at the CS, share your expertise and get involved in community life in our Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok.

Please, share the good news or your professional accomplishments. Feel free to contact your Community Manager, and we will inform the community about your success.


There is no refund for the purchase of any tariff. Returns are possible only in case of technical problems in the system.

If the Resident has purchased the Hot Desk 10 or 30 tariff, he can use the visits for one calendar month. Unused visits are not carried over to the next month, and part of the payment is not refundable.

Current residents must pay the tariff no later than the 1st of the month, and for new residents, payment must be made before starting to use the services. Payment is made through the Creative States app.

The resident must pay for the additional services within 24 hours of the invoice being issued.

In case of late payment of services, the Access Card will be automatically blocked.

All tariffs for services are written in US dollars, when paying, the bank converts the payment into the currency of your card at the bank's card exchange rate, it is possible that some banks charge a commission for conversion, so the amount of payment may differ from the specified one.

All payments will be made in the national currency of Ukraine - the hryvnia (UAH). Conversion from US dollars to hryvnias will be carried out at the bank's card exchange rate on the invoice payment date.